Digital Experience Platform Squiz Marketplace

Supercharge your Squiz DXP with components, templates, extensions, and more.

Google map

Embed a Google Map of an address, business, or landmark.

Google Maps is a popular online mapping service and allows anyone to embed a map within their own website.

You can include a Google Map on your site that includes a pin dropped at the address of a location. This is useful to help your users get directos, find business contact information, highlight nearby points of interest, and most importantly, keeps visitors on your site.

The Google Map component lets you easily embed a map on your site by simply entering an address, business or landmark as the location to show. You can also configure the map height, zoom level, and satellite view mode.

  1. Click the Download button on the right download the template file to your computer.
  2. In the Matrix administration interface, select Import Assets From XML from the 'Tools' icon menu.
  1. In the Import XML File field, click the Choose file button, and locate and select your downloaded template file.
  2. ( Optional ) Using the Import Asset under field, choose a location to upload the template in the asset tree on the left. If you leave this field empty, Matrix will import the template at the root level.
  3. Click the Import button to start the import process.
  4. Once the import process is complete, the assets are created in Matrix and are ready for use.
  5. To make the template available for selection within your site, you'll also need to go to the Details screen of the template and select the location in your Asset Tree where you want to make it available for use.

For more information on how to use, configure, and extend Content Templates, please visit the Squiz Matrix Manuals.

Component type Content template
For  CMS (Matrix)
Version 2.1.0
Min. Matrix version